Title: Keith and Katie “Bringin’ the Heat”
Location: Heathen Hill
Join Katie and Keith for a weekend of summertime yoga fun. What do you want to work on? What is confusing, unclear? What’s just so fun that you want to do it over and over again? Let us know, and that’s what we’ll teach. That’s right–we’ll be taking requests for this one, and we’ll have plenty of time to work and play! We’re looking forward to a weekend that hits all of the good stuff in asana — standing poses, backbends, forward bends, inversions, and restorative — as well as pranayama and meditation. The food you’ll get will be grown right on the property. At breakfast, your dinner might still be growing. How’s that for local? Some of you know Lippy–she’ll be doing the cooking.
Here’s the Schedule:
Friday night: Yoga on the restorative side, followed by dinner.
Saturday: Breakfast, 3 hour yoga class, then lunch, time to yourself (hot tub? swimmin’ hole? play with the chickens?), and another 2 hour class. Dinner.
Sunday: 3 hour yoga class, Brunch, and we’re out!
About Keith and Katie
Katie Malachuk has been teaching with YogaWorks since 2005. She received her 200 and 300 hour yoga teacher certification through YogaWorks; as such she balances the movement of vinyasa with a focus on alignment and attention to the breath. She also includes yoga philosophy and seated meditation in every class. Katie received her BA from Harvard and MBA from Stanford, and she is a certified life coach and holistic health counselor. She is the author of two books on how to make the college and business school application processes into a journey of self-discovery, using yoga philosophy and life coaching. Visit her website at www.katiemalachuk.com.
Keith Yzquierdo’s classes are alignment based. His teaching incorporates mindful movement, deliberate anatomical instructions, careful breath work, and deep concentration. Keith has a degree in mechanical engineering, has studied classical piano extensively, and is a ceramic artist. His teaching is influenced by the exactitude of his engineering past, as well as the fluidity of his music and art. He trained with YogaWorks in NYC under the guidance of Chrissy Carter. He currently studies with Carrie Owerko and Genny Kapuler. Visit his website at www.keithyzq.com.
Start Date: August 6, 2010
End Date: August 8, 2010