Title: Summer’s 1st Annual Fall Yoga Retreat
Location: Heathen Hill
Description: A blissful weekend of Yoga in the country during the most beautiful time of year. Enjoy a getaway trip before the cold sets in. Four Yoga classes with a different area of focus for each one (including pranayama , hip opening, inversions, and restorative) will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated prior to heading back to the city for the winter season.
About Summer
Summer Shirey is a certified Yoga teacher from NYC. She teaches at Kula Yoga Project and Pure Yoga in Manhattan and at YogaSole and Bend and Bloom in Brooklyn. Her classes are filled with creative and intelligent sequencing that leave you more conscious of the mind, body, breath connection on and off of the mat. Inspired by many different styles of yoga, Pilates, the Alexander technique, and Laban each class is a well-rounded, multi-layered experience.
Start Date: 10/23/09
End Date: 10/25/09