Title: Relax-Renew-Restore; Summer Yoga Retreat with Wesley Collier
Come spend another beautiful weekend in the Catskills with Wesley, Barkan Certified instructor, from Queens NY. Enjoy a weekend of fresh air, fresh food and healing yoga.
Relax in the hot tub under the stars. Catch some sun by the swimming hole and stay warm by the campfire. Plenty of outdoor and indoor games to enjoy.
And… YOGA!!!
About Wesley Collier
A serious marathoner from 1997-2003, (over 35 marathons, including a 62 mile ultra-marathon) Wesley began practicing yoga in 2000 to stretch his tight hamstrings. By 2003 he gave up running entirely for a dedicated yoga practice.
Wesley received his teaching certification from Barkan Method Hot Yoga(barkanmethod.com) and sees yoga as the gateway to happiness, awareness, and peace. Wesley’s classes focus on being who you are and feeling however you feel whenever you step on your mat. BrEatHe,MoVe, LaUgH, EnJoY!
Retreat Schedule
Friday, August 3
4pm Arrive and Relax
6pm Chill Yoga Flow- Yin/Restorative
8pm- Dinner
Saturday, August 4
6:30am Silent Sun Salutes and Meditation Labyrinth walk(optional)
9-11am Barkan Method Yoga
12pm Lunch on the lawn
5:30pm The Magic 10, Wall Series, Long-Slow-Deep
8pm- Dinner, Bonfire, Smore’s roastfest
Sunday, August 5
6:30am Silent Sun Salutes and Meditation Labyrinth walk(optional)
9-11am Power Yoga, Inversions, Arm Balances
12pm Group Brunch
2pm Return Restored
475 single
425 double
400 campground
Contact for payment: wesley_yoga@yahoo.com
Start Date: August 3, 2012
End Date: August 5, 2012