Title: Jenny Aurthur and Chrissy Carter
Location: Heathen Hill
Start Date: July 29
End Date: July 31
Explore and deepen your practice with Jenny and Chrissy at Heathen Hill. 4 playful practices, organic food, and lots of time for frolicking in the grass. Escape the city heat, recommit yourself to your mat and then take a dip in the watering hole. There will be inversions, hula-hooping and wine by the campfire.
About Jenny Aurthur
Jenny Aurthur has been teaching yoga since 1998. She first started her studies in Los Angeles in 1993 with Seane Corn, Maty Ezraty, Lisa Walford, Nancy Goodstein and Julie Kleinman. After moving to New York in 2004 she began studying with Carrie Owerko and has since become very influenced by Iyengar yoga and the yoga philosophy of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. She has been teaching teacher training for Yogaworks since 2005 in New York and in cities all over the world including Los Angeles, Oslo, Washington D.C., Savannah and most recently, Istanbul. Her classes include a mixture of the movement and fluidity of Ashtanga Vinyasa and the precision of Iyengar yoga.
About Chrissy Carter
Chrissy Carter is passionate about teaching intelligent yoga with clarity and compassion. She blends breath-based movement with the alignment of the Iyengar method, inspired by her studies with Mark Whitwell and Carrie Owerko. Chrissy teaches teacher training at Yoga Works in New York and travels internationally to lead workshops, retreats and continuing education for students and teachers. Chrissy has been featured in Yoga Journal, The New York Times, and Yogi Business Times. Her blog, H(om)e, is a source of inspiration for those looking to take yoga into both their kitchen and their life.
Retreat Schedule
FRIDAY – afternoon arrival, 5-7pm class, 8pm dinner
SATURDAY – 9-11:30am class, noon lunch, 4-6pm class, 7pm dinner
SUNDAY – 9-11:30am class, noon lunch, 2pm go home