Title: Relax, Rejuvenate & Revitalize: A Weekend Getaway with Vivekan of Bodhisattva Yoga
Location: Heathen Hill
Description: Vivekan, founder and director of Park Slope, Brooklyn’s Bodhisattva Yoga, invites you to a weekend of relaxation, rejuvenation and revitalization. Though this can be just a getaway, it’s opportunity to cultivate mental and physical wellbeing. Set at Heathen Hill Guest and Retreat Center, in the Catskills’ peaceful and natural settings, you will learn and practice tools for relaxing the body and clearing the mind. Through the practice of yoga, along with the natural, supportive setting and environment, you will experience the body and mind in the moment. Becoming aware of our body, speech and mind, we will witness how we unknowingly create suffering. This knowledge, along with Vivekan’s instruction and the natural setting, will aid in an attitude and perspective shift. We can then discover how yoga can help us build genuine, harmonious relationships with others by engendering a spirit of generosity, ethical conduct, patience, enthusiasm, mindfulness and insight.
About Vivekan
Vivekan (AKA, William D. Mejia, Jr., B.S., E-RYT) is a New York City native and the founder/director of Park Slope, Brooklyn’s Bodhisattva Yoga. He received certification under Jayadeva, a direct disciple of Swami Satchidananda. Vivekan credits Rodney Yee as an asana and flow-sequence giant from whom he learned a great deal. “I also must credit my venerable and sagely mentor, Serge Ledan, MD, as a peerless friend and one who has completed the trainings. His empirical mind has helped me yoke the essence of Buddhism and the utility of yoga.” Vivekan’s exposure to eclectic yoga styles, along with his home practice, has led to his unique style, which he terms as Inspired FlowsTM. “My Inspired FlowsTM differ from class to class – I never come in with a script; it is based on the premise that fun and effort are not mutually exclusive. One can be interested in, and mindful of, form and breath and yet not be restrained by orthodoxy.” Vivekan has instructed thousands of students in the New York City area; he has also worked extensively with individuals coping with hard-drug addictions, HIV, AIDS and their respective difficulties and treatments. He has attended to under-served populations such as seniors and individuals with physical, visual and hearing disabilities. He has led numerous workshops, seminars and retreats based upon wellness, yoga & meditation.
Vivekan operates Bodhisattva Yoga as an ecologically and socially responsible business – using recycled products and wind-energy, while hosting monthly activist meetings called Engagement for Change. Aspiring to Right-Livelihood, he now terms himself a sustainopreneur (and is a founding member of AEREAS) as he seeks to marry his entrepreneurial spirit with his concern for ecological and social issues. He is currently in a graduate program for Environmental Management; and, his next project of interest is tentatively titled, Bodhisattva Group International (BGI). BGI is an envisioned organization intent on solving problems facing habitat, species and humanity on a global level. BGI’s function will be to meet the increasing demand in eco-tourism and holistic wellness while addressing key ecological and social difficulties unique to locality
Start Date: July 24, 2009
End Date: July 26, 2009
For Registration, contact vivekan@bodhisattvayoga.com