Title: Elizabeth and Kathy Wipff – Being and Playing 2:Standing On Your Head and Staring At The Sky!
Location: Heathen Hill
Elizabeth and Kathy Wipff are excited to return to Heathen Hill for their 5th annual retreat Being and Playing 2:Standing On Your Head and Staring At The Sky!
We will keep things simple again!
Classes will be playful yet focused and there will be plenty of time to hang out and soak up the awesomeness of Heathen Hill!
Arrive Friday evening for the first of four classes. Delicious,homemade and plentiful meals are served post yoga. In between practiceand meals there is plenty of time to:Spread your toes in the grass,turn cartwheels, sing songs, roast marshmallows, win at dominoes, talk to a new friend,swim, start a game of tag, get crafty, drink a class of wine. Play!
Sit on the lawn, soak up the sun, float in the pond, listen to the frogs, knit a sweater, watch the chickens, walk through the labyrinth, stare at the sky, breath in and out, breath in and out again, take an extra savasana. Be! See you there!
Reserve Your Spot Today!
For info: Elizabethwipff@yahoo.com
Start Date: August 5, 2011
End Date: August 7, 2011