Title: Extend Your Summer Bliss: Vinyasa Yoga Retreat with Marisa Sako
Location: Heathen Hill
We’re heading upstate the weekend after Labor Day…so, by coming on this retreat, you’ll be extending your summer bliss one extra week!
Unwind, relax, reinvigorate. Revel in 4 of Marisa’s vinyasa yoga classes. Spend your time in between classes doing what brings you into balance. Take a swim, do a handstand off the dock, practice walking meditation in the labyrinth, play bocce, badminton, hula-hoop, or lie in the hammock. Enjoy veggies grown right there; eggs are courtesy of the Heathen Hill Hens. End the day sitting around a bonfire or soaking in the hot tub.
About Marissa
I relish the moment in warrior III when the first bead of sweat drips off the tip of the nose and splashes onto the mat, yet concentration remains unbroken. In my class, you can expect emphasis on creative transitions to keep the practice interesting and innovative. I manage to geek out on alignment in just the right dose as not to disrupt the flow. After completing my 200-hour teacher training in 2006, I found Kula Yoga Project where I first learned to slow down and let myself be in really intense places while finding comfort in the sonorous sound of the collective ujjayi breath in the room. After a few years of practice with Schuyler Grant, I participated in her 75-hour intensive training. You’ll get a healthy serving of anatomical information and breath instruction needed to free you up so you can sweat and flow safely and delve into the deeper layers of your practice. I first studied anatomy with neuromuscular therapist Susan Hefner, later with Leslie Kaminoff. By late 2010, I will have completed my 500-hour certification and certificate in Yoga for Backcare with preeminent alignment stickler Alison West. I try to pass on to my students what yoga has given me: breath as a bridge between the body and mind, and the ability to imbue action with mindfulness and heart through moving meditation.
Start Date: September 10, 2010
End Date: September 12, 2010