Title: RISE UP! A Summer Retreat of Breakthrough Practices with Julie at Heathen Hill
Location: Heathen Hill
An end of summer retreat at the glorious Heathen Hill farm and lodge, where we will explore the how-to’s of expanding your yoga practice from the inside out.
We will use Anusara’s Universal Principles of Alignment and the Loop system in two classes a day, along with pranayama, meditation, and contemplation in a circle of friendship and support.
Every level of practice has an inherent opportunity to grow, and advancing is more than doing harder poses. Julie’s gift for inspiring students to a deeper level of understanding and practice will help you rise up and expand your boundaries.
Heathen Hill’s property is lush with a hot tub and lake for dunking, trails for hiking, hammock for chilling, and a labyrinth for meditating. Susan “Lip” Orem, the founder of Heathen Hill, is a well known yoga teacher from New York who knows how yogis like to eat, practice, and rest, and she’s not missed a thing in making retreats comfortable and fun. This will be an awesome weekend away from the hustle of the city!
About Julie
Julie Dohrman is a certified Anusara® Yoga teacher and deeply playful student of yoga for 15+ years.
Her classes are spirited and progressive, and she weaves Anusara’s sophisticated system of alignment with stories, myth, and yogic teachings for a creative and smart approach to living as an urban yogi. Julie is one of the most sought after Anusara teachers in NYC known for her uplifting nature, and aims to inspire students of every level into their wildest potential for healing and transformation. She studies and apprentices regularly with Anusara founder John Friend, along with philosophy scholars Douglas Brooks, and Paul Muller-Ortega. You can often find Julie basking in the sun whenever it is out since she thinks she was a sunflower in a past life.
For more on Julie visit her website: www.shaktiyogany.com
Start Date: August 25, 2011
End Date: August 28, 2011