Title: ASANA, PRANAYAMA, MEDITATION with Paula Lynch- July 10 -12
Location: Heathen Hill
Description: Join Paula Lynch for a weekend of exploration and relaxation. This retreat will explore yoga as a complete practice, addressing the inter-relatedness of asana, pranayama and meditation. Each class will be comprised of pranayama, vigorous asana practice, followed by meditation with equal emphasis placed on each aspect of the practice.
Intermediate to Advanced Students; prior knowledge and practice recommended.
About Paula
Paula Lynch is a Yoga Works Certified Instructor affiliated with the Yogaworks Teacher Training programs. Her teaching style is influenced largely by the meditative flow and heat of Astanga yoga and the precision and playfulness of Iyengar yoga.
She studies with Genny Kapuler and Alison West, and has been able to shape her experience of the world through her asana practice. She studies anatomy and kinesiology and applies this knowledge to her understanding and teaching of yogasana in her classes through breath and alignment.
Paula’s teaching style expresses that yoga is an incredible technique that can give us access to the layers of our physical and energetic bodies that can only be experienced through patient and intentional practice. She practices yoga as a form of devotion, prayer and self-study and understands yoga as so much more than physical – it is cellular, mental, intellectual and spiritual involving our entire being.
*Please note that cost of transportation is separate. If you have a car and would be willing to carpool, please let me know!
Start Date: July 10, 2009
End Date: July 12, 2009
Arrival: Friday 5:00 pm
6:30 pm – Pranayama/Restorative Class
8:00 am – 10:30 am – class
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm – class
8:00am – 10:30 am – class
Departure: Sunday, 2:00 pm
To register email: paula@yogapaula.com or visit www.yogapaula.com