- Can I get to Heathen Hill by public transportation?
There is a bus to Oneonta on Adirondack / Trailways 607 432 6221
In Oneonta you can call a car service, ABC TAXI, 518 888 6449, cost is approximately $35.
(we do not recommend Absolute Taxi) - What are driving directions to Heathen Hill? See Directions on our Contact page.
- Will my cell phone work at Heathen Hill? No. You will get service during the trip up AS FAR AS ROSCOE on Rt. 17. Then, there will be pockets: in Walton, Oneonta, and at the top of Heathen Hill near Naomi’s driveway.
- How long a trip is it? Lip makes it in three hours from the Lower East Side, but she travels on Thursday night. Most guests say four hours with a stop for food.
- May I bring my children? No.
- May I bring my dog? No.
- Where is the liquor store? Walton is 9 miles away. Oneonta is 15 miles away. Both have liquor stores. Don’t panic.
- Is there internet access at Heathen Hill? Yes. The Big Heathen House now has internet.
- Why am I sneezing? There are two cats in residence in the Plum House. Bring your antihistamines. (Cats are not allowed in Yoga House or Big Heathen House).
- Do I need to bring linens or towels? All linens are provided but do bring a beach towel for the swimmin’ hole.
- What should I wear? All shoes are taken off and left outside at every house. BRING CLOGS OR SANDALS.
- What is the temperature? It gets cold in the mountains when the sun goes down. Bring your sweater/sweats.
- Do I need to bring my mat? No. All mats and props are provided. Feel free to bring yours if you choose.