Title: “Keep on the Sunny Side” Weekend Retreat with Tzahi Moskovitz – July 31 – August 2
Location: Heathen Hill
Description: Spend a weekend of serenity found outside of concrete NYC– the Catskills, yoga, garden grown organic food, and fun!
Tzahi will lead the 3 yoga classes where each session will complement the others to provide a complete and well-rounded weekend of yoga— forward bends, backbends, inversions, restorative and pranayama. The combination of Heathen Hill\’s peace and beauty, and a comprehensive yoga study will provide an experience that will leave you feeling integrated and enlivened.
About Tzahi
Tzahi Moskovitz became certified to teach the YogaWorks method in the first Certification to be held in New York, after his original training in the ISHTA tradition with Alan finger. In his teaching, Tzahi combines vigor, flow, and precision, using the full vocabulary of asana to create a practice that is safe while at the same time, playful and adventurous.
He is directly influenced by the flow and strength of the Ashtanga series and the alignment, intelligence and awareness of the Iyengar tradition. He is inspired by the teaching of Mary Dunn, Genny Kapuler and Mark Whitwell. His training and experiences as a medic provide Tzahi with a deep and practical understanding of anatomy as it relates to movement and asana
Start Date:July 31, 2009
End Date: August 2, 2009
The Weekend’s Agenda
Arrival: Friday, anytime after 8pm. Snacks will be served. Bring warm clothes. It gets cold in the mountains.
Buffet breakfast available from 6:30-7:45AM
AM Yoga
Lunch – 12 noon
PM Yoga
Dinner – 7:30PM (Cocktails at your leisure. BYOB)
Buffet breakfast available 6:30 – 7:45AM
AM Yoga
Country Brunch – 12 noon
Departure: 2PM ish. Any later and you will be assigned yard work or house chores.
Space is certainly limited to this secluded retreat and advanced registration is necessary: tzahi1@hotmail.com to reserve a spot.